Westlawn Tigers Football Club Home Page ...
Welcome to our website.
Westlawn Tigers are a Level 1 Accredited club with FFA

Westlawn Tigers are part of the Good Sports Program.

The 2021 season has had a wet start, everyone is excited to get themselves and the kids out on the pitch but unfortunately we have no control over ground closures. We want to be able to utilise the fields for the remainder of the season so if they are closed do not train on them. Please keep this in mind.
The draw for the rest of the season is now out and can be found at Click Here
Fees are due by the 30th of June and players that have unpaid fees will not be allowed to take the field until arrangements are made.
If you are unsure on if you have overdue fees or how much you owe; you can contact one of our registrars at westlawntigersregistrar@y7mail.com.
Please make contact as soon as possible.
To keep football going we have a COVID19 Safety Plan in place. Please do the right thing to keep everyone safe and to keep playing football.
Where possible only one parent for junior games to attend matches and training and for seniors where possible only the player to attend matches and training.
NO ONE who has been to Victoria or a NSW hotspot in the past 14 days can attend training or games.
Maintain social distanicing rules, that is 1.5m when not playing or training.
Avoid any form of unecessary contact, this includes high fives.
Use the hand sanitiser provided.
Thank you for following these rules to keep the season going.
Calling on all TIGER CUBS- if your turning 3 or 4 in 2021 or 5 (and not sure if you are ready for Mini-Roos) sign up to this awesome program.
It will consist of 15-20 minute fun drill sessions and a 15-20 minute game after, all run by renowned Futsal Coach Renan Fenerich. Cost is $50 for entire season which includes a shirt. 930am time slot every Saturday at the fields where MiniRoos Football is being played.
Young Cub Rego Form (Download/Print)
While the Club is guided by the Clarence Valley Council in regards to field closures, we may not agree with their decision. Please DO NOT use the council website as a guide for Barnier Park.
As soon as the club has made a decision on the grounds it will be posted on Facebook. The North Coast Football Website will be the next place that is up-dated immediately (follow the links on the left of screen, look under the wet weather tab). Finally our website will be updated as soon as physically possible, this may not be immediately due to work commitments of the administrator. North Coast Football website is also the place where you will find the most up-to-date information regarding grounds in the competition, as other clubs may have a wet weather policy similar to ours therefore making the council website inaccurate in regards to playing.
Sometimes the decision can be made quite late because that few extra hours, or minutes, can mean the difference between a game going ahead or not.
While the club understands it can be frustrating for players and parents, as a club we have the players best interest at heart when making these decisions, and we have a process in place where everyone can be notified as soon as possible. So we are asking you to be patient while the decisions are made and keep an eye on our Facebook page or the North Coast Football website.
Our club is now a member of the Amart All Sports Program. So if you purchase any goods from any store across Australia please mention our club and at the end of a financial year we will receive 10% of money spent by our members.
President - Mick Salvestro
Vice Presidents - Skye Sear
Treasurer - Mick Salvestro
Secretary - Skye Sear/Christina Costello
Registrar - Kerian Shanely and Amanda Daffey
Equipment Officer - Lyndall Norrie
Ground Controller -
Canteen Manager - Mel Hyatt
Publicity Officer - VACANT
Website/Social Media Coordinator - Amanda Daffey
MiniRoos Coordinator - VACANT

These can be found on our policy page. These should be read before registering.
The club wishes a representative from every team to attend our monthly meetings.
If someone applies for a new Newcastle Permanent home or business loan, all you need to do is tell Newcastle Permanent that you were referred by the Westlawn Tigers Football Club and provided your application is eligible, the Tigers will receive $600 once the loan has been processed. SO don't forget to mention us if you do go for a loan and no need to worry the club will never know who applied for the loan - we just get the money! Pass the info onto your family and friends too- the more people that know the more chance of us getting some money!

See History Page for 2017 End of Season Reports
See Policies Tab for all Club Policies, Procedures and Job Descriptions
See the News Tab for all Newsletters